BerlinMitteWeddingTegeler Straße 27
Tegeler Straße 27 | | A project by ZIEGERT Immobilien, your premium real estate agent specializing in attractive real estate projects in Berlin and Leipzig.
Berlin, Wedding

Tegeler Straße 27

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Tegeler Straße 27 | | A project by ZIEGERT Immobilien, your premium real estate agent specializing in attractive real estate projects in Berlin and Leipzig.

The Perfect Spot

Anyone house-hunting in Berlin has a long list of desirable features. Enough space for a couple to live comfortably, maybe even for children? A popular, hip neighbourhood, but also close to nature? Preferably an Altbau? These are virtually impossible standards for most of the city’s coveted neighbourhoods. Yet this wonderful property in Wedding’s Sprengelkiez manages to tick all the boxes.

Der Innenhof
Der Innenhof

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